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From February through to April 2018, the Universal Soul Magic is presenting us with a unique opportunity to create significant more wealth and abundance in our lives. However, like any spiritual journey optimizing those energies effectively for positive outcomes really comes down to your awareness and the daily choices you make.

Over this time to gain the highest potential for myself and my fellow Soul Magicians, I am opting to feature the Soul Magic of Manifesting Money as a daily program within my Soul Magic Members Lounge, which of course you are invited to join me with here.

As I personally begin to energetically get in the groove of this program I have found myself being called to explore my spiritual relationship with money and delving a little into the mechanics of how I manifest money to begin with. It has been a couple of years since I have checked-in with how my Soul creates wealth so it is really a little overdue to be honest.

My favourite tool to use when it comes to exploring in this way is through writing, which I always find takes me to the depths of my truth. In sharing this Soul Conversation with you I do so hoping it inspires you to explore your co-creative connection to money in a similar way.

Taking my journal I begin writing by setting the intention of why I am journaling by titling the piece My Spiritual relationship with Money and Manifesting it.

I then begin by listing the first fact of my reality with money.

FACT: More goes out then comes in.

To which I then question why is this happening. The response is swift.

I hear from Spirit ‘You still have a propensity to give more than you receive’.

This is something I have struggled with for quite some time and is also a challenge I see many of my clients having to deal with as well. This is something I’ve been educating about for a while now and here you will find an episode of my podcast show The JOYgasm effect dedicated to getting the balance of giving and receiving right. Knowing that is has a negative influence on how I manifest, not just on my achieving my dreams but also getting the Universe to deliver my physical and emotional needs, it is something I personally have been consciously working towards changing.

At this point in the writing I am reminded that there are moments in my new personal relationship where I feel this imbalance and while I know it is shifting to more balance of its own natural fruition, I also realize I take more personal responsibility in this relationship for communicating my needs and asking my boyfriend for what I need.

So when I ask Spirit to show me how to rectify this it comes as no surprise to hear I need to ask for money. Not in an ask the Universe with an airy-fairy affirmation kind of way. I’ve already done lots of those sentiments where you write yourself a cheque from the Universe or put a dollar goal on your vision board.

What I am sensing here is the need to get real and literally ask my clients or future potential client to invest in more succinct ways everyday. It translates to such things as getting more comfortable with using call to actions as part of my marketing strategies and posting information on social media more regularly around my product and services so that people have a stronger picture of what I do offer and how I can help them.

Ultimately I see it as moving forward and taking action that essentially comes down to communicating and expressing my need everyday in my relationship with money and my business. Not all that different to my personal relationship when you think about it.

Therefore in walking my talk would you be interested in your own Soul Whispering conversation around how you manifest money? I’d love to connect with your Soul and Spirit and reveal any hidden soul secrets that may be holding you up right now. Let’s delve in and see if you have a soul agreement with money and where does the pendulum of your giving and receiving balance lie or is there anything else you need to know. Plus importantly, I’ll also be coaching you to know what to do going forward to effect for change for you.

I am taking bookings now and to secure your appointment you can do so by clicking the button below.  And thank you for allowing me to step more into my truth by asking and expressing my need here.


with love and gratitude,

Kerrie xx


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