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Episode 10 of The Joygasm Effect Podcast

Being guided to apply boundaries is one of the first stages of the journey to Self love and the Divine Spirit within.

And while they help to create balance and harmony, applying new boundaries is not always an easy thing to achieve.

In this episode, Soul Coach and Medium Kerrie Wearing discusses the need to implement boundaries, where you can begin to create balance in your life with doing so.  And share some of the boundaries she uses in her soul centered business.

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Kerrie Wearing is soul coach and medium with a passion to help spiritually motivated people manifest their dreams. Her new ventures The JOYgasm effect podcast, and the JOygasm club all support people the world over to engage the Magic of their Soul and manifest their dreams with JOY.  In fact, her 21 day JOYgasm challenge helps you to create the soul shift to more JOY in your life.  It is free when you sign up here.

Over the last 20years Kerrie has worked tirelessly in the spiritual fields seeing clients, conducting workshop and events, owning and operating The Australian College of Mediumship and inSpirit Magazine and is now honoured with clients from all over the world. Kerrie has published two books, A New Kind of Normal: Unlock the Medium Within and Wisdom of the Soul: How to live life created with love & inspiration and she is currently writing her third book.

Kerrie lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and is a not so secret country music fan.

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