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My Life Reset: Real Estate Agent in the making and what it means for my work as a medium

by | Apr 11, 2021 | 2021, Kerrie's Diary, Money Flow, Sacred Goddess, Self Love

Lots of people are experiencing a life reset, as our Soul’s are being given the opportunity to bring life into greater harmony with our Spirit. 

Are you experiencing a life reset right now, like I am?

Lots of people are experiencing a life reset, as our Soul’s are being given the opportunity to bring life into greater harmony with our Spirit.  And while this is not always an easy transition, the benefits are worth the challenge if you keep at it.

As we come to this month’s new moon which in the house of Aries, the 1st house when the Zodiac resets and a time to take action and set your next 12mth plan if you align with astrology.  This also happens to be my rising/ascendant sign so it’s the perfect time to let you in and share about my life reset and where things are headed with my work as a medium.

During March, I moved out to the Hawkesbury in NSW to enjoy more of a spacious country vibe, while being closer to Michael’s work.  We very specifically set out consciously to manifest our dream home, and even with the complexities of renting we made magic happen for sure.

The journey of manifesting this gorgeous home, where we feel very content and at peace has meant changes in other areas of my life with one significant change being around my work and how I serve the community. I have chosen to take responsibility in serving my own needs to increase and stabilise my finances by returning to mainstream employment and no longer rely on my spiritual business to support me financially.  It has never really been able to and with dreams of financial freedom and owning our home once again in my heart, I needed to make a big change.

This time though, instead of just doing temporary work to supplement my income, I have chosen to make a bigger commitment and to seek more JOY in the experience.  So last week, I completed my Certificate of Registration in Real Estate Practice and am now training to be licensed as a Real Estate Agent.

My desire here, is to bring my intuitive and spiritual skill set to the Real Estate field and help people to manifest their dream homes, providing a far richer and Soul inspired experience than simply buying and selling a house.  I hope Australia is ready for it!

I am excited and can’t wait to see which Real Estate agency in the Hawkesbury are the lucky ones to take me on. LOL

This does mean that you will start to see changes in regards to my business focus and my online presence.  And while I don’t know exactly what the long term changes are, I do know that my ultimate vision is to very much still have a spiritually focused business.  One where I am still helping people connect with their Soul and live the magic their Soul inspires.

So what does all this mean right now for you, as one of my clients or supporter of my work?

  • Consultations – I am still currently available for private and group readings. 


  • Online Community – And there is no change to my Creative Heart Feminine Spirit community


  • Newsletters – Newsletters will be going out once a month now.


  • Content changes – You can expect to see change around my content, what I share on social media and in my newsletters.  While you’ll still see spiritually focused information, such as Moon info and sharings from the Soul, now I’ll also be sharing on topics such as Harmonising your Home, Real Estate tips, Manifesting and even new thoughts on such topics as What to do when your trying to sell a house that is haunted.  In time, as I manifest my dream Real Estate job you can also expect to see posts related to the families and properties I’ll be working with.


  • Moving from Facebook to Instagram – For weeks now I have been sensing a move away from FB and a need to increase my use of Instagram.  Of course, I’ll still be available there and will of course still post and respond to your comments and messages.  You will however find me hanging out more on Instagram and less on Facebook as I act on this intuition, so I invite you to come join me at www.instragram.com/kerriewearing

Living an intuitive lifestyle means that you rarely see the end game and can only make the next right move based on how you feel effectively taking baby steps one after the other.  This is how I’m moving through this life reset, one step at a time and taking time to get clear and free from doubt or confusion before take the next one.  This means that there may or may not be more change to come, but rest assured you will know when it arrives.

For now though, I am actively manifesting a new job by creating opportunities for the right one to arrive.  And while this process is not always easy, I watch for the flow knowing that when I follow those moments they will guide me to a place that is in alignment with who I am.

more resources

Going through a life reset is often complicated and highly emotional which does make it hard to stay clear and on track with your desires.  And this is where I can help by delving deeper into what’s going on spiritually, gaining insight into what’s ahead and giving you the confidence you need to take your next right action.  You will find more information on working with me by clicking here 


Your Intuitive Navigation System

Begin seeing the world through the eyes of your Spirit with this 10 min intuitive exercise.  Strengthen your intuition and the relationship with the Spirit in you with this simple and effective audio download.

with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I am a Spiritual Leader and mentor in Feminine Spirit Mediumship.

Do you want the raw and real bio where I tell you I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit, the creativity of Shamanism and the awareness of a Spiritual leader or if you prefer the bio my business coach prefers then, as a Spiritual leader with over 20years of experience, I support women to embody their feminine spirit to expand their conscious connection with the Universe, so they can do life with confidence, purpose and in the Spirit of who they truly are – a Creative Heart Feminine Spirit.

LOL – just keeping it real!

More about Kerrie…

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