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Get Grounded and Your Spiritual Business will Thank you for it.

by | Apr 29, 2022 | 2022, Money Flow, Sacred Goddess, Your Spiritual Connection

“When one becomes a conscious manifester there is often a tendency to overthink.  To empower oneself with awareness that can at the same time disempower, as you try to goad the Universe into action with your affirmations, your over doing and your lack of belief.”

As women in business with a spiritual heart, it is so easy to get caught up in the energy of Spirit and dwell in the Spiritual realms.  Yet if like me, your deep desire is to enjoy a Spiritual business that makes an impact by serving multitudes of people, while providing you the financial freedom to live how you desire then getting centered and balancing your Spiritual self with the physical realities of running a business is necessary to see your manifesting efforts become real with ease.

This week I have been having a conversation with Spirit around the importance of grounding and how necessary it is to see success.  Without being centred in our bodies and being present in the physical it makes your manifesting feel like you are trying to pull teeth.  A struggle with the Universe that you and your spiritual business can well do without I’m sure.

Does this sound like you?

  1. You feel out of balance and easily overwhelmed.
  2. Money feels like it’s hard to come by.
  3. Overthinking is part of who you are.  Even if like me, you like being in your head.

 If your resonating and answer Yes, then I want you to know it’s time to get real and focus some energy on getting grounded so you can see your success pick up some speed.

This conversation with spirit came out of my need for guidance as Spirit started to step forward to guide what was needed next in my own business and life.  They were telling me that the answer to getting more clients lies in my need to get out of my head and ground into my body more.  

It is a Conversation with Spirit I want you to be a part of.

Me: Grounding – what is it?

Spirit: It is the practice of bringing your ethereal bodies back into alignment with your physical body.

Why is this necessary?

Dreams struggle to find their way into the physical reality without it.

Can you explain that a bit more please?

When one becomes a conscious manifester there is often a tendency to overthink.  To empower oneself with awareness that can at the same time disempower, as you try to goad the Universe into action with your affirmations, your over doing and your lack of belief.


However, if you but take a step back and ground into the reality of where you are at in any given moment, your capacity to see what is before you is even greater.  You have a greater capacity to see the signs, to feel your intuition and to know how to move forward.

In fact, Intuition does not work without being grounded and centered in your body.  

Aah, light bulb I get it.  If there’s a lack of Intuition there this is one area where we need focus.

We know.  We see so many of you struggle with this though.  Especially those of who who have a tendency towards the psychic arts like yourself.  You all enjoy the ethereal feel of the energy and the Soul’s ability to elevate in the essence of love that it is sometimes hard to bring yourself back to the physicalness of the body and it’s human existence.

You my dear have been like this your whole life.  Yes, even as a child.

I can assure you that greater success will be felt and experienced with attributing your manifestations into reality when you practice good grounding everyday.  For some, it is natural.  Those that are more physical by nature need no introduction.  But for others like yourself, don’t just leave it for when you have engaged in a psychic encounter.  Make it your everyday, morning and night routine.

Your dreams will thank you.  And by that, I mean the Dreams you are crafting with the magic of who you are.

Another bonus will be improved sleep for those who take stock and ground prior to going to bed.

Can you share some tips on how best to ground yourself please?

It’s release and ground actually.

Release the energies that are NOT yours and ask to come back into your body.  That is all that is needed, nothing more.


  Share with me below in the comments what’s your favourite way to ground in your business.

Let’s Connect…..

Reach out if you’d like a Conversation with Spirit to get more grounded in your Spiritual Business.

with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I support you to manifest a life you love.

With this raw and real bio I want you to know I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit.

My love for this life sees me use my mediumship and my 5 pillars of feminine manifesting to support you with manifesting a life you love.

More about Kerrie…

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