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Decluttering 2022 – my year in review

by | Dec 26, 2022 | 2022, Kerrie's Diary, Your Spiritual Connection

ALIGNMENT – this is what it is. When you ego succumbs enough to allow the Spirit to be the guiding force.  For the Spirit to be in the driver’s seat without the nagging navigation of a back seat driver”

Pfft! Just like that another year is done and dusted.

This year packed a punch spiritually in the most gentle of evolutionary ways.  I finally succumbed to giving over to the will of the Universe and letting my Spirit have its way, instead of trying to control it all.

I let go of expectation and found myself with an increased faith in the way my Spirit needs me to show up in this world.

Alignment – this is what it is.  When your ego succumbs enough to allow the Spirit to be the guiding force.  For the Spirit to be in the driver’s seat without the nagging navigation of a back seat driver.

2022 has been my year of Soul Alignment

Two house moves, a sad goodbye to 17year old Scruff and a surprise welcome to our little Cavi Bailey.  Floods, Covid, Bridgerton and a Soul relaxing vacay in Fiji all dotted the landscape of my personal life.

On the business front this was the year I gained traction and for the first time in a long time could see the forward momentum and business growth.

  • There were some successful Evening Of Mediumship’s which included a Hawkesbury Flood Fundraiser.


  • I published my Love Is, I am Affirmation cards which are just the cutest card set ever!

  • My consults and coaching programs have supported some gorgeous one on one clients this year that has filled my heart with joy, purpose and is leaving my soul smiling as the year draws to a close and I look back.

  • I feel so humbly supported by Sarah Cassim and the Hawkesbury Women in Business Networking group this year.  It has been amazing to be a part of this community.  It helps me to feel connected to my local community and I can’t wait to keep this collaboration going throughout 2023.  It just makes everything more fun!

  • My Mediumship feels stronger and expanded once again because of this year.  Letting go of more of my ego self and the structures in creates within me has allowed me to be even more of my authentic self.  To stop suppressing who I am as a Medium by expecting it to show up in certain ways and instead allow my Mediumship to be what it needs to be.  This resulted in a deepening of my Shamanic ways and a realisation of the depth of the author in me, while giving myself permission to share my Mediumship my way.

   The first house move of 2022 helped me to break down those structures and while this new version of me is still in the early stages I am excited to see what’s ahead with this.

  • I have been wholeheartedly supported so graciously by one solid Soul sister this year and in fact for quite a few years now.  I know that if Gemma Rose Green wasn’t a part of my life I would struggle coming to understand what my Soul needs a lot more than I do.  Thankyou Gem, I appreciate you so much.  If only we lived closer to one another so we could have more adventures.  Gem is an intuitive counsellor and coach among her many mystical talents that I highly recommend should you need support or emotional healing.

  • I am finishing 2022 grateful and well placed to continue the momentum into 2023.   This last month of the year I have opened the doors to two of my group coaching memberships.  Her Magic Soul Toolkit and Her Magic Mediumship Society, which will enable me to support so many more people, near and far with their connections to Soul and Spirit.

It is here where I feel a great deal of my Soul alignment has come to be this year even if it is just one spoke on the wheel of alignment for my Soul.

We all have many spokes on a wheel that contribute to balancing your Wheel of life.  Family, health, Self, Career and biz just to name some of those that are important to me.  I find though when one of those spokes is broken or disconnected it upsets the balance and the whole care struggles to flow or move along as well as it could.  

If you have stayed with me here and are still reading at this point, I urge you to take a good hard and honest look at your Spokes and be brave enough to do what is is needed to create Soul Alignment and therefore the balance and peace you need.

My wheel is turning into 2023, a year I feel excited to move into.  A year, I know is going to build on and expand from my 2022.  Yes I know there will be some hiccups, but nothing I can’t handle.  I know I am well equipped.  If anything, as I write these words, it will be a year where I learn to relax into my connections with the Universe and therefore my life.  So I am just going to enjoy it! 

Her Magic Soul Magazine

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with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I support you to manifest a life you love.

With this raw and real bio I want you to know I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit.

My love for this life sees me use my mediumship and my 5 pillars of feminine manifesting to support you with manifesting a life you love.

More about Kerrie…

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