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Recently I attended an intimate gathering of flower reading and frivolity with the inspiring David Laws, and I’d love to share with you a little of how that came about and why and I’ve got the reading in full for you to listen to.

While I had known of David predominately because of both of our connections to the Australian psychic industry, he was not someone who’s work I followed nor did I really have any interest to. Though as so often does, when Spirit has other ideas there is a whole trail of magic that leads you there.

In the days leading up to being invited to David’s event, I had been receiving messages from Spirit regarding meeting a man though the picture didn’t come together until that night.

The messages included the name David, an image of salt & pepperish type hair and even clairaudiently hearing the word “Gay”, though at the time I had no idea where to place it.

Within a couple of days, I had an invite from Clorinda Bradley, David’s friend and our host for the evening’s Flower reading party.

I do love watching a good psychic or medium at work, which sadly is a little too rare though I never step into attending an event lightly. Largely because I am skeptical of the quality of the abilities of other psychics if I have not seen them work before and quite simply, just because someone is psychic and can do a reading does not mean that they are spiritually sound in their evolution and understanding of Spirit and the Soul’s journey, which is very important to me. So I tuned in my antennae to see what Spirit was saying to which I heard “There is information you need”. I did some due diligence when speaking to a Leanne O’Neill a medium friend who I was pretty sure would know David and found the feedback was positive, so I booked myself and my daughter in for a fun night.

Have you had a flower reading? Flower readings are essentially a form a psychometry where the psychic uses a tool, which is energetically linked to you and uses this to connect with your soul and receive information. In David’s experience his information is accurate and on point. Initially David does not know who owns the flower, but as the reading proceeds he does learn the owner and it is at this point the information gets even more accurate and uncovers a little more of your future.

You can listen to my reading from David here. I should point out here that David did not know who I was and was not aware of my work.

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In already saying I found the reading accurate I genuinely took away from the reading a lot of confirmation. Confirmation of my own intuition, insights and generally that I am heading in the right direction. Not that I was doubting, but it is still nice to hear. I was however still unsure as to why Spirit wanted me there so badly.

As is the usual case for me, I expected a little Soul conversation with Spirit while going to sleep that night and I was not disappointed. Spirit told me that David delivers a lot of truth with this work along with a lot of integrity. They added that David and I have a very similar connection to the Divine with one key difference right now. On a soul level with his creative abilities, David does not accept anything less than his desired outcome from the Universe. Something I’m still working on.

Meeting David was a reflection of this and in particular related to manifesting my twin soul. While I was being shown I am a lot closer to manifesting that meeting, there is still a little tweaking to do with my belief.

Do I believe enough to ask the Universe by setting the intention and then simply just let it go with the belief and love knowing unequivocally that whatever I ask for will come back to me far and above how I could have imagined it. It is time to actualize this belief.


My thanks go once again to Clorinda for having me and Jess for the evening, we enjoyed the night immensely and it was nice to see you once again.

And to David, my spirit messenger in more ways than you expected. Thankyou and I’m honoured to have made a new friend. Looking forward to connecting in September when I host David with a flower reading party of my own.

David is based on the Gold Coast QLD of Australia, and does do a lot of travelling with his event.

For more info or to contact David please visit his facebook


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Kerrie Wearing is soul coach and medium with a passion to help spiritually motivated people manifest their dreams. Her new ventures The JOYgasm effect podcast, and the soon to be launched JOygasm club all support people the world over to engage the Magic of their Soul and manifest their dreams with JOY.

Over the last 20years Kerrie has worked tirelessly in the spiritual fields seeing clients, conducting workshop and events, owning and operating The Australian College of Mediumship and inSpirit Magazine and is now honoured with clients from all over the world. Kerrie has published two book, A New Kind of Normal: Unlock the Medium Within and Wisdom of the Soul: How to live life created with love & inspiration.

Kerrie lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and is a not so secret country music fan.

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