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Sacred Feminine Unlocked

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Divine Feminine, Sacred Goddess, Self Love, Your Spiritual Connection

The Sacred Feminine invites us to live in a way that honors our true selves. It asks us to embrace our emotions, to trust our inner guidance, and to create a life that is aligned with our values and purpose.”

The Sacred Feminine is a profound and timeless force that exists within each of us, no matter our gender.  It is an energy, a way of being and a perspective that embodies qualities traditionally associated with femininity, while transcending societal roles or stereotypes. The Sacred Feminine is about embracing the essence of life itself – the nurturing, the intuitive, the creative and the deeply connected aspects of our humanity.

While my journey to unlock the Medium within me undoubtedly connected me with some aspects of the Divine Feminine, it wasn’t until I was nearing the end of my marriage at the age of forty-seven that I truly began to feel the presence of my Sacred Feminine.

Embracing and honouring this part of myself gave me the strength I needed to end that chapter of my life and the guidance and insight to see and feel what was waiting for me on the other side at some point.

In time my new found single life gave me the freedom to explore this new version of myself. I found that I felt more alive than I had in a long time and more whole as I began honouring my sexuality in a more empowered way.

At its core, the Sacred Feminine is the embodiment of love, compassion and intuition.  It is the energy that nourishes life, that holds space for healing and transformation and that connects you to the deeper mysteries of creation.  The Sacred Feminine is not about being ‘feminine’ in the conventional sense but rather about tuning into the qualities that allow you to create, sustain and nurture both yourself and the world around you. 

The Sacred Feminine encourages you to trust your inner knowing, to be in tune with your emotions and to lead with empathy.  It is an energy that flows rather than pushes, listens rather than dictates and embraces rather than excludes.  This part of you is also receptive and open, allowing you to connect deeply with others, with nature and with the Divine.

Honouring yourself in this way will create a whole life transformation that you can’t even begin to imagine.

Qualities of the Sacred Feminine

Your Sacred Feminine can be understood through a set of qualities that do define this aspect of the Soul.  They are not exclusive to women, nor are they about conforming to traditional gender roles.  Instead, they are universal traits that anyone can embody.  You will also find that as you grow into these qualities, your experience of living with the Sacred Feminine will be unique in its own way.  Those gifts within the Soul that are uniquely you will flourish in their own soul-inspired way.

Intuition- the Sacred Feminine is deeply intuitive.  It is the voice within that guides us, that knows without knowing and sees beyond the surface.  It is this part of you that also extends itself to psychic and mediumship abilities.  Intuition is the Sacred Feminine’s way of connecting you to your Higher Self and the Universe.

Creativity – the Sacred Feminine is inherently creative.  It is the force that births babies as much as it births new ideas.  It nurtures dreams into reality and inspires you to express yourself in ways that are authentic and meaningful.  Creativity in this sense is not limited to the arts – it is the ability to envision and create a lift that is aligned with our true soul self.

Compassion – compassion is a hallmark of the Sacred Feminine.  It is the capacity to feel empathy for others, to hold space for their pain and to offer love and support without judgement.  This sense of compassion extends not only to other people but to yourself and why many find themselves naturally practicing the art of self care and self compassion.

Nurturing – The Sacred Feminine holds a natural inclination to nurture.  It is the energy that cares for others, supporting growth while creating environments where life can flourish.  This is much more than caregiving.  It is about fostering growth whether in relationships, communities or our own personal development.

Connection – The Sacred Feminine understands that all of life is interconnected.  It knows that you are connected to all things throughout all time and space and seeks to express itself through this sense of Oneness.  It honours the web of life, recognising that we are all part of a larger whole.

This connection fosters a deep respect for nature, for the cycles of life and for the Divine presence in all things.

Receptivity – Unlike the action-oriented energy often associated with the masculine, the Sacred Feminine is receptive.  It is open to receiving guidance, love and support from others and from the Universe.  It is a receptivity that is being open to what life has to offer without trying to control or manipulate outcomes.

Passion: The Sacred Feminine is deeply passionate. Passion, in this context, is not just about intense emotions or desires; it’s about a deep, inner fire that drives us to live fully and authentically. Passion is the energy that fuels our dreams, gives us the courage to pursue what lights us up, and propels us forward, even when the path is uncertain. The Sacred Feminine invites us to discover and nurture our passions, letting them guide us toward a life rich with meaning and fulfillment.

Soul Purpose: The Sacred Feminine is intimately connected with our Soul Purpose—the unique path our soul is meant to walk in this lifetime. Soul Purpose is more than just a career or a set of goals; it’s about living in alignment with who you truly are, expressing your gifts, and fulfilling the deeper calling of your soul. The Sacred Feminine helps us connect with our Soul Purpose by guiding us to listen to our inner wisdom and intuition, encouraging us to explore what truly matters and how we can contribute to the world meaningfully.

The Sacred Feminine is not an abstract concept; it is a living energy that we can tap into in our everyday lives. It shows up in how we care for ourselves and others, in how we approach challenges with grace and patience, and in how we connect with the world around us.

In daily life, the Sacred Feminine might look like taking time to listen to your intuition before making a decision, allowing yourself to rest and recharge when you need it, or expressing your creativity in a way that feels authentic to you. It could mean practicing compassion—towards yourself and others—or simply taking a moment to connect with nature and feel the earth beneath your feet.

The Sacred Feminine invites us to live in a way that honors our true selves. It asks us to embrace our emotions, to trust our inner guidance, and to create a life that is aligned with our values and purpose. By unlocking the Sacred Feminine within, we can cultivate a deeper sense of peace, fulfillment, and connection in our lives.

Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine is a journey—a process of unlearning old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us, and rediscovering the wisdom that has always been within. It’s about letting go of the need to constantly strive and achieve, and instead embracing a more balanced, intuitive, and connected way of being.

This journey is deeply personal and will look different for everyone. It may involve healing past wounds, reconnecting with your body, or exploring new spiritual practices that resonate with you. Whatever path you take, the goal is to come into alignment with your true self, to live in harmony with the world around you, and to express the Sacred Feminine in all that you do.

As you embark on this journey, remember that the Sacred Feminine is not something you have to create or achieve—it is already within you, waiting to be unlocked and embraced. By awakening this energy, you open the door to a richer, more meaningful life, one that is in tune with the rhythms of the universe and the wisdom of your soul.

To be begin discovering who you are in your Sacred Feminine, I invite you to register for my upcoming Activate your Sacred Feminine workshop


with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I guide women to awaken their Sacred Feminine, embrace their spiritual gifts, and live boldly in their soul’s truth.

With this raw and real bio I want you to know I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit.

My love for this life sees me use my mediumship and my 5 pillars of feminine manifesting to support you with manifesting a life you love.

More about Kerrie…

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