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Possum Spirit: Navigating Through Darkness and Releasing What No Longer Serves You

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Animal Magic, Divine Feminine, Your Spiritual Connection

The wisdom of Possum is to embrace the darkness rather than fear it.”

In the journey of spiritual growth, we often encounter guides that show up when we need their wisdom the most. After my recent blog on Raccoon Spirit, Carolina asked me to comment on the Australian Possum.  Of course, being Australian I was delighted to sit with this magical little creature.

As a nocturnal creature, Possum holds the wisdom of seeing through darkness, of finding clarity when everything around you seems uncertain or overwhelming. If you’ve been feeling stuck, unsure of your next step, or burdened by situations that no longer bring you peace, Possum has come to help you shed light on those areas and gently guide you forward.

Many spiritually aligned women find themselves at a crossroads where life feels overwhelming and chaotic. You may feel like you’re constantly in the dark, searching for direction, yet unable to break free from the patterns and situations that no longer serve you. Perhaps it’s a job, a relationship, or a lifestyle that feels comfortable on the surface but leaves you with a persistent sense of dissatisfaction or unease.

This is a common struggle when you are on the path of spiritual growth. You are doing the work, developing your gifts, and stepping into your Sacred Feminine, but the weight of holding on to things that aren’t aligned with your soul’s purpose is starting to take its toll. It can feel like walking in the dark with no clear path forward. Possum is here to help you find your way through this darkness and shed what’s holding you back.

Possum Medicine: Seeing Through Darkness and Moving Out of Your Comfort Zone

Possum is nocturnal, navigating life under the cover of night. This doesn’t just mean literal darkness but also speaks to our internal landscapes—the shadows we often avoid, the doubts and fears we push down, and the uncertainty that comes when we’re ready to grow but aren’t sure what direction to take.

The wisdom of Possum is to embrace the darkness rather than fear it. There is nothing wrong with uncertainty. In fact, it’s in the unknown that you often discover the most profound truths about yourself. Possum shows you that you can trust your instinct to guide yourself through this inner darkness, and that within it lies the potential for clarity and growth.

Possum also carries a nervous energy, always on alert, always sensing the world around it. When Possum shows up for you, it often indicates that something in your life is causing this same nervous tension. It may be subtle, but it’s there—a feeling of unease that tells you certain aspects of your life are no longer aligned with your soul’s peace. This might show up as discomfort in a relationship, an inner resistance to your work, or the weight of daily routines that no longer serve your highest good.

Possum’s medicine is the nudge you need to move out of your comfort zone and confront these areas. Possum doesn’t ask you to make sudden, drastic changes but rather to be mindful of where you need to let go. It’s about becoming aware of what’s no longer working for you—whether it’s toxic patterns, people, or situations—and allowing yourself the grace to release them.

How to Apply Possum’s Wisdom to Your Life

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed or unsure about the direction of your life, Possum is here to guide you through the darkness. The first step is to acknowledge that it’s okay to not have all the answers right now. Part of Possum’s medicine is the understanding that clarity comes through embracing the unknown and trusting that your intuition will guide you.

Here are some ways you can work with Possum’s wisdom:

1. Sit with the Darkness: In meditation, invite Possum’s energy into your space. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a soft, comforting darkness. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up—whether it’s fear, doubt, or uncertainty. Instead of pushing these feelings away, explore them. Ask Possum to help you see clearly in the dark. What is this darkness trying to reveal to you?

2. Identify Nervous Energy: Possum’s nervous energy can often show you where you feel tension in your life. Take some time to reflect on what is currently making you feel anxious, stressed, or uncomfortable. Is there a part of your life where you feel like you’re forcing things to work, but they just aren’t fitting anymore? Possum encourages you to be honest with yourself about these feelings.

3. Letting Go: Once you identify what’s creating tension, Possum’s next lesson is about release. What are you holding on to that is no longer aligned with your peace? This could be anything from relationships that drain your energy to self-limiting beliefs that keep you small. Possum teaches us that it’s okay to let go and trust that something better is waiting.

4. Move Slowly but Steadily: Just as Possum doesn’t rush but moves with careful awareness, you are not being asked to make sudden, drastic changes. Instead, begin by taking small, mindful steps. Let go of one thing at a time—whether it’s a toxic habit or an unfulfilling job—and allow yourself the time and space to adjust. Each step will lead you closer to the clarity and peace you seek.

5. Trust the Process: Finally, trust that the darkness is not your enemy but your guide. Possum teaches that even in the absence of light, we can still find our way. By releasing what no longer serves you and trusting in the process, you are creating space for new opportunities, relationships, and experiences that are more aligned with your soul’s purpose.

Possum may not seem like a typical spiritual guide, but its medicine is profound. In its nocturnal nature, it shows us how to navigate the uncertainties of life and see clearly through the darkness. In its nervous energy, it reveals where we are holding on too tightly and invites us to release what no longer serves our peace.

If you’re feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or weighed down by aspects of your life that no longer bring you joy, Possum has appeared to help you find your way forward. Embrace its wisdom, trust in the process of release, and allow yourself to step out of your comfort zone. It’s in this space that true growth happens, and you’ll find that as you let go, the Universe begins to align things in your favor, clearing the path ahead.

Possum is your gentle guide, leading you out of the darkness and into a life that truly resonates with your Sacred Feminine power. Trust in its wisdom and allow the peace you deserve to unfold.


with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I guide women to awaken their Sacred Feminine, embrace their spiritual gifts, and live boldly in their soul’s truth.

With this raw and real bio I want you to know I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit.

My love for this life sees me use my mediumship and my 5 pillars of feminine manifesting to support you with manifesting a life you love.

More about Kerrie…

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