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Are you being seen for you truly are?

by | Jul 9, 2024 | Divine Feminine, Kerrie's Diary, Sacred Goddess, Self Love

I see your Light.  I see your Spirit and I see your Magic.”

One of the most common challenges I see in my work mentoring others with their Spirituality, is holding back who they truly are for fear of being judged.

This behaviour is sponsored by a lack of self worth, and I like you am still working at healing this within myself.

It’s been a while since I last dropped a note  letting you know I was taking a break from readings and seeing one on one clients.  This was a decision I needed to make to take care of me and step more fully into serving my own needs.  While I felt burnt out and knew it was necessary it was still very unsettling.  I have been supporting others with my Mediumship for over 20 years and I was unsure how this would feel or what it would mean.

During the break I have been focusing on my personal life and healing after the ending of significant relationship.  Quite unexpectedly though I have fallen in love with a wonderful man named Peter.  Who I’m sure you will here more about over time, what I really want to share though is how for the first time in my 55 years I feel fully see and valued in who I am as a person by a significant other.

Peter sees, values, appreciates and understands the spiritual side of me while also appreciating my Divine Feminine and how I need to love to be joyful, expressive and abundant.

Coming to this part of my journey has shone a light on how much being see and understood has been lacking in my life, be it from family, romantic partners or friends.  While I’ve always been opening and sharing of my spirituality and mediumship, I never realised how much my spiritual self and those intimate parts of more fully.

Walking with awareness as I do, it didn’t take much for me to recognised that this not being seen would also have a big impact in how much or how little I have been seen in other areas of my life, namely my business and my work as a psychic medium soul coach.

In experiencing soul healing with this part of me, I do feel expanded and more grounded in who I truly am, which is resulting in a stronger sense of trust and faith in my relationship with the Universe. Quite simply because I am believing in myself and my magic more.

While I have been journeying through all of this, you have never been too far out of mind as I know that like me, a lack of self belief is a challenge many of you also face.  And I’m fully aware that Spirit would be guiding you to heal ever so gently and slowly to become whole with this.

As you journey that pathway my friend, I want you to know I SEE YOU!

I see your Light.  I see your Spirit and I see your Magic.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling my business and taken steps to be sitting in her energy once more.  I have been working on fine tuning my Soul Map sessions and have a special announcement about them soon, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you want to get inside scoop shoot me a DM or comment ‘me’ below and I’ll send you the details.

Can’t wait to share more with you all


with love & gratitude,

Hi, I’m Kerrie Wearing and I support you to manifest a life you love.

With this raw and real bio I want you to know I’m just an everyday person like you who happens to have manifested the ability to communicate with Spirit and live life with the love of Spirit.

My love for this life sees me use my mediumship and my 5 pillars of feminine manifesting to support you with manifesting a life you love.

More about Kerrie…

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