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Be the Medium

your feminine spirit

empowers you to be!

Medium Magic

Get connected with the power of your Mediumship

Does this sound like you?

  • you have a natural connection to Spirit and what to learn how to make the most of it.
  • you want strengthen your connection to Spirit
  • you want to discover more purpose in life
  • your are often overwhelmed, out of balance and at times feeling lost


  • embodying a deeper connection to Spirit that honours who you truly are
  • life where your spirituality was less struggle, much easier and integrates seamlessly into your busy lifestyle
  • knowing the tools and strategies to communicate with Spirit and the Universe.
  • trusting in the intuition, guidance and psychic messages you receive for yourself and others
  • Learning how to effectively maintain a greater sense of balance and harmony

are you ready to get connected and communicate with Spirit

in ways you haven’t before?

Medium Magic is the only mentor program that supports your mediumship development with the power of your Divine Feminine.

What’s included in your

Medium Magic mentoring PROGRAM?

8 x 1 on 1 Coaching sessions

life time access to pre-recorded topic videos

life time access to a private online community for additional support.




Week 1 - Creating Connection

The Importance of the Divine Feminine

Establishing connection to your Spirit

week 2 - It's all about Energy

Being an Empath

Energetic Protection

Understanding Energy

week 3 - your spiritual abilities

Your Intuition

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience & Clairsentience

The Power of your Dreams


Using your Tools


Oracle Cards

Your Daily Routine

week 7 - Your unique purpose

Identify where Mediumship fits in your world

How you can uniquely make a difference with your connection to Spirit

week 5 - Understanding the spirit world

Spirit Guides and Angels

The Paranormal

overcome fears


Learn through hands on experience, how your Mediumship and your Unique Purpose ties together.

And where to next

week 6 - Communicating with Spirit

Learn to identify how your receive information

Evidential messages, credibility and ethics




“My new found confidence and trust, not only in myself but also Spirit comes down to Kerrie and the way she teaches”

I have been blessed to be part of Kerrie’s mentorship program since Feb 2014 and I haven’t looked back, going from strength to strength. She has the unique ability to connect on a soul level that helps you develop your skills from a soul level that enhances and magnifies your vibration and mentors you till your working at the best you can be.

She has the amazing ability to help calm your nerves and to show you how to work with confidence, providing you with a sound foundation in which to work from. My new found confidence and trust, not only in myself but also Spirit comes down to Kerrie and the way she teaches.

I highly recommend Kerrie’s mentorship programs. It doesn’t matter where you are at on your journey as she will simply guide and support you into your next chapter.

Trish Horsman

Psychic Medium, Sth Australia

Kerrie has the ability to create a very welcoming and down to earth environment for the exploration of all things intuition, empathic sensitivities and mediumship.

I’ve learned so many practical techniques and tips to be able to balance exploring this realm while living a fairly typical mainstream life. 

I especially recommend her Empath course inside her membership. There are so many techniques that are easy to implement in every day life. It’s given me the ability to create realistic boundaries in order to not feel so worn out from what I otherwise would have thought were unexplained reasons.

C Rosas

New South Wales

This is the right fit for you if…
  • You are seeking to increase your ability to manifest successfully and align more fully with your Soul purpose
  • You are seeking to expand your ability to understand your Soul and it’s guidance
  • You feel you may be psychic and wish to explore your psychic abilities
  • You are an experienced medium wishing to strengthen and upgrade your connection to Spirit
  • You want to gain daily tool & tips to work with Spirit’s guidance on a day to day basis
  • You want genuine down to earth support from a coach that keeps it real
This may not be a right fit for you if…
  • You are looking to simply receive readings
  • You are not open to new ways of thinking and new approaches to your spirituality
  • You are not prepared to heal and look within for your answers
  • You are relatively new to mediumship and are super keen to begin earning money
  • You prefer the airy fairy nature of spirituality.  This is a very practical, down to earth approach
How are the live coaching calls currently run

All coaching calls and masterminds are currently held via Zoom in our private meeting room, which allows us face to face video time for a more personal interaction.

What happens if I find the program is not for me?

All you need do is tell me within 7days after your first session for a full refund.


You taught me more in the time i spent under your guidance than I learn’t in the previous 15 years. You taught me to trust my intuition, pushed my boundaries, and in general helped me to be a better person. Walk this new path with confidence.

A Henderson

Picton NSW

You help, guide and inspired me to find myself and my connections….you were my first guiding light into the spiritual world and i am forever greatful for all you taught me, i am positive that if i did not find you and do your classes i wouldn’t be here today and able to continue my growth, i thank you and hope you have a wonderful mothers day with your family.

S Winning

Ingleburn NSW

What are you waiting for? Your relationship with Spirit awaits

$AUD 1800.00