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I have recently returned from a 2+ week trip to the United States where I found myself traveling down the super highway of self discovery.

Along this journey I came to appreciate more of the value of connection in my life and how when faced with a lack of heart connection it quite simply does not work for me.

Many times in life you find yourself connected to friends, family, partners, work colleagues and even in moments of greatness where life’s experiences speak to your heart enough to have your heart sing. This was certainly true for me during this trip and especially in those moments when I reconnected with friends or made new ones along the way. What did surprise me however was the disconnection I felt during my time in Nashville for the CMA festival.

This was my third visit to Nashville which has been one of my favourite cities in the US, and being that country music is one of my passions I was not expecting to find myself feeling lonely and disconcerted especially when I felt connected within. Yet, there I was feeling like a round peg trying to fit into a square hole.

At times like these, those of us with a spiritual disposition look for a way to rectify, to “get back in flow” so to speak and all too often internalize this type of occurrence seeking out the so called “block” and end up looking for what it is we need to fix. Questions arise such as “Am I being open enough?” Or “What do I need to learn?” can become the focus all too easily when in truth there is nothing wrong with you or I. You are not broken and all you need do is gain the understanding of why your simply not feeling it.

For me I have had a lot of personal change over the last year as I moved through my divorce and I am still learning what it is about my old ways of doing life that no longer serve the new me. This was one of those moments.

Very quickly I decided to change my plans by leaving Nashville early and head back to my friends Mark and Shawn in Cinncinatti. Sure it meant a few extra dollars though my heart knew the connections it needed to be happy and myself once again. What I took away from this experience is how much love flows through our heart connections and if you are keenly aware of this energy and its existence in your life you then have the power to use this barometer as an indicator to your creative flow and your Divine path.

Much like steering a ship, your heart and the power of it’s connections will light the way identifying for you the next step you need take along the road we call life. It will call for you to be honest with yourself and others to say “Hey, I’m not really feeling it!” and for you then to make the necessary adjustments to self correct and bring yourself back to the path that lights you up.

While my Nashville experience is a relatively safe and easy set of circumstances to navigate, the understandings and learning in regards to heartfelt connections can be applied to any situation you may find yourself in. Especially in your relationships and those moments where you find yourself wondering “What the hell am I doing here?”

Connecting with the road of your Divine Path will also always have moments where love is highlighted with the distinct flow of synchronicity and your heart fills with gratitude when you recognize the power of that flow and what how it builds momentum for you and for others.

One such moment at the end of my trip stands out here for me. While waiting for my flight home from LAX, I got talking to a young guy from LA who is a music producer and was travelling to Sydney to work on producing some music for an artist who is connected to Australian Rock royalty. Once we chatted about that and young Jason had her family connections in perspective we began talking about his musical interests and in particular how he was keen to check out the Sydney Techno scene. Well, would you know my son is a Techno DJ with strong links to the Sydney Techno community so long story short, Jason is headed out on the town with my son Nathan this weekend before he goes home.

Seriously! What are the odds that young Jason sits down and happens to talk to someone who has a son that has the very same interests and the information this young music producer needed. This is classic Celestine Prophecy at work. As you can imagine Jason was mind blown with the synchronicity while for me my thoughts were more akin to “As it should be!” and what a powerful manifestor this young man is. Of course he totally got that concept too!

This moment of greatness highlights the way love flows through connections when two open hearts meet in the middle to inspire God’s lighted pathway. Honouring these moments in your life will inspire many more of them to come.


Do you have such a story to share? You can do so in the comments below, I’d love to hear it.

with love

Kerrie x

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Kerrie Wearing is an Intuitive Soul coach and Soul Whisperer with a passion to help spiritually motivated people manifest their dreams. Her work is designed to support people all over the world to engage the Magic of their Soul and manifest their dreams with JOY.

Over the last 20years Kerrie has worked tirelessly in the spiritual fields seeing clients, conducting workshop and events, owning and operating The Australian College of Mediumship and inSpirit Magazine and is now honoured with clients from all over the world. Kerrie has published two books, A New Kind of Normal: Unlock the Medium Within and Wisdom of the Soul: How to live life created with love & inspiration and she is currently writing her third book.
Kerrie lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and is a not so secret country music fan.

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