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This morning I woke with an initial feeling of the same negativity which can at times grab hold and have me feeling ‘less than’.  This time though, I took the bull by the horns and chose to connect more strongly to Who I am in Oneness – (refer Day 2).

This really is as simple as changing your thoughts and feeling the emotion of it all, and then holding on to that.  This turned out to relatively easy to do today and as I went about my day I began to see how things are starting to shift for me in ways I am delightfully surprised by and its only been 5 days.

You see, today’s big epiphany is that once you truly start to see yourself for the Divine person you are, for the unique offering you have to bring to this world, for all that is you in Truth and Love, or as my friend William Whitecloud would say “Your Greatness” then others truly start to see it as well and you become so much more attractive to them.

This is powerful stuff for someone who is in business to serve others, as people seriously start to clearly see what it is you can do to help them.  They value what you have to offer, they resonate with your energy to greater degree and they want more.  Not only that, people also want to help, assist and do whatever they can to help you.  Beautiful!

And isn’t this type of connection when it is based in truth and service what makes it all worthwhile.

30 days of Self Love is a personal journey for Kerrie Wearing and one where she invites your conversation on how you self love.  Please feel free to join Kerrie’s journey and share the posts or comment and interact below.
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