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A little while ago I took a leap and bought a ticket to the Hay House Australia Writers Workshop 2017. In it’s 6th year this was my first visit, with the decision to attend a guided one.

I came to this weekend with quite a bit of emotional baggage when it comes to my career as an author and publisher. Ten years ago I was guided to create inSpirit Magazine, which in time also became inSpirit Publishing. These ventures helped quite a few people become writers including myself, yet while all the guidance and insight from Spirit always indicated world wide potential the reality was, I found myself putting in a lot of time, energy and money for little return and made the decision a couple of years ago to put it all on hiatus. I say hiatus, as at the time that is what I intended and I would come back to it when the time was right.

Leading up to the HHWW, I was not looking to resurrect this aspect of my work. My mindset was that it all seemed like too much work and Spirit would have to show me some major differences in results to get me to go there completely again. With all this in mind, I don’t really know why I was going to the workshop. Yes I am an author and am at the starts of writing my third book, however I am well versed in publishing and self-publishing know-how. I am also quite knowledgeable when it comes to social media marketing and how to build your author platform even if success here still eludes me, and I had no intention of submitting a book proposal to Hay House. All of which are the reasons I suggest you do attend this workshop.

As the morning of day 1 started I was grateful to be attending with my gorgeous friend Gem Green. Gem is a former inSpirit Magazine writer and a Raw and Real Goddess you need to get to know and this opportunity to spend some face to face time with her and her mum was a real gift.



As we listened to Hay House CEO Reid Tracy talk about publishing and the importance of your platform what hit home for me was the fact of how much I no longer held the motivation and drive I once did. Yes I still hold the vision and hearts desire to be a well known author with published books that serve your Spirit and will change your life, I just quite simply the energy I once held to strive and make this happen is gone. It has been knocked out of me for two reasons.

Firstly, twenty years of running a spiritual business and striving for success that never came is a long time and I’m pretty sure most people would have given up the vision by now. And while I haven’t given up completely, I have given up working so hard to bring it about. In truth part of this is in essence also surrendering to Spirit and handing it all over God and for the Universe to show me the way, which is the second reason the once held drive and motivation is gone.


The more I have let go of my need to control and let go of how I want my life to be, the more I have come to accept what is and to be in the moment focused on experiencing what is before me, leaving the goals and visions to take care of themselves with me having the faith that my life is divinely guided and what needs to be will be.

During day 1, I was struggling with how to get and stay motivated so that I could write book three and build the necessary platform that goes with being a best selling author. It dawned on me that every up and coming author must feel the same from time to time. Writing is a solitary business, which can add to the loneliness and can be a breeding ground for doubt and destabilizing your motivation. I then started too see an opportunity to gather people like me and Gem together with an intention to support one another, to provide author help and to also be each others cheer squads. This evolved into the inSpired Author Lounge – a facebook group Gem and I are working on launching soon. Born out of our needs we are opening the door and making it available to help serve your author needs too. You can join the group and get in early here. Just now we are still in planning stages though.

As the weekend progressed I found my intuition sparking and guidance received from long ago in regards to inSpirit coming back to haunt me.

Guidance and Intuition has always indicated that I would at some point have a book published with a traditional publisher that would serve to cement my credibility on a big scale and lay a foundation to which to build a bigger profile and business from. And if there was one take-away for me from the weekend it is this journey starts now! It is time to tip my hat, put my head down and follow the road to see this through and the first step along this path is to put together a knock your socks off book proposal and submit to Hay House on the closing date of Dec 5 which also happens to be my birthday. Take that as a sign right there, thankyou!

Another take-away I took home was to not EVER give up. To hear stories such as how Dr Mike Dow was ripped off for hundreds of thousands of dollars by his first co-writer and how this first book of his failed to meet his then publishers expectations leaving the publisher losing out after his book sales fell well short of his advance. A situation that would have been catastrophic to his career as an author if not for the second chance Hay House were willing to offer. Or that Pam Grout’s E2 was her 16th book and that Leon Nacson, CEO of Hay House Australia would have rejected the first Four Ingredients book which has by now sold millions of books and is a house hold name in Australia really helped to keep the home fires burning a little longer.

The weekend was well worth investing your time and money into. I do however need to point out though that is a workshop designed to help you research and understand the road to getting your work published. This workshop will not provide you with practical handson information on how to write your book. That will be something I will be able to assist you with down the track, so to stay tuned for that I suggest joining my mailing list here.

Coming away from the weekend I have been left a little perplexed this week in regards to the directions of my work as I deal with needing to cancel soul whispering events due to low numbers. I feel a strong pull to the author in me which I hear right now will provide me with the directions I have always dreamed of, where as my work as a soul coach and medium is not as strong and nor is it flowing. As I write this I sense Spirit guiding me to say there is action needed to cement the writing and author directions before the intuitive soul coach can return more fully and balance both of these aspects for me. Thanks for the clarity Spirit!

Dreams are the whispers of the soul held deep in your heart, incubating away for the right time to be born into fruition. And when there are two or three revolutions that see you come close to the realization of your dream, know that each revolution has purpose and its own path that will lead you to your dreams fruition.

And so here am I, not giving up yet again and seeing where this revolution leads to this time.

Fox be with you!

with love,

Kerrie xx

Fox is the creative medicine that fuels my work as an author and publishing, which not surprisingly saw me have a moment of eye to eye contact with a fox on the Tuesday night before the Hay House Writers workshop.

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Kerrie Wearing is an Intuitive Soul coach and Soul Whisperer with a passion to help spiritually motivated people manifest their dreams. Her work is designed to support people all over the world to engage the Magic of their Soul and manifest their dreams with JOY.

Each week Kerrie shares her Soul Magic Oracle report to empower your week with intuitive insight into the Magic of the Universal Soul, helping you to deepen your Soul’s connection within and to the essence of Divine Love.  Subscribe here now and start receiving yours this coming Monday.

Over the last 20years Kerrie has worked tirelessly in the spiritual fields seeing clients, conducting workshop and events, owning and operating The Australian College of Mediumship and inSpirit Magazine and is now honoured with clients from all over the world. Kerrie has published two books, A New Kind of Normal: Unlock the Medium Within and Wisdom of the Soul: How to live life created with love & inspiration and she is currently writing her third book.
Kerrie lives in Sydney, Australia with her family and is a not so secret country music fan.

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